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March Gardening Jobs

March Gardening Jobs

HELLO SPRING! It is so lovely to see you!

Finally, we have turned a corner from the depths of winter to the hope of spring.

It is time to start those March gardening jobs, so that you have an outdoor space to be proud of this year.

Our gardens are starting to look like they have life in them, with hellebores, snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, and many more in bloom.

We have had an insanely wet time of it lately, the rivers are still high, and the water has nowhere to go.

But only a few weeks away will be the longer drier days and hopefully some warm sunshine to boot.

I’ve noticed the local garden centres are starting to stock summer perennials now, and there’s nothing like having a wander around to see what’s new and get some inspiration.

When you’re looking at a bare border, it’s hard to envisage what is to come. But now is the time to plan, plant and prune.

This is why I love my job; I help people to create a border they can enjoy all through the seasons.

March gardening jobs will prepare for your summer garden

Here are a few more March gardening jobs for you to do this month.

·         Prune bush and climbing roses. Normally cut back 1/3 in Autumn to stop wind rock, now is the time to give them a proper prune. Take back to healthiest shoots that give a good shape.

·         Plant summer flowering bulbs. Tender bulbs like lilies and gladioli are best planted in spring rather than autumn, to stop them rotting and getting damaged by frosts.

·         Divide large perennials. One of my favourite jobs is to make new plants, it’s surprising how quickly you can fill a border just by splitting and transplanting.

·         Keep weeds under control. With the warmer longer days, it’s not only the plants that thrive, but weeds also love this time of the year, so get them out before their roots take hold.

·         Top up pots. I will always remove the top 4-6” of compost from my large pots at this time of the year, then top up with fresh compost and slow release fertilizer.

·         Protect young shoots. I have a range of clear bell pots that I pop over the top of slug loving plants like dahlias, hostas, lupins, and delphiniums. It can stop the slugs eating the fresh shoots and once you have enough growth you can just remove them.

·         Move established shrubs. March is a good time to move shrubs, with them still dormant and the ground slightly warmer it gives them a better chance of survival.

·         Start to sow your veggies. Check the packets to see what can be sown outdoor or undercover. But things like lettuce, onions, carrots, parsnips, broad beans and leeks can be sown outdoors weather permitting.

·         Clean paths and plastic garden furniture. Pressure wash your paths and furniture to get rid of moss and slime that’s accumulated over winter.

·         Protect half hardy plants from late frosts. It’s not too late for frosts, we can still get the odd one through to May. But if your more tender plants are starting to poke through, pop a cloche or fleece over them for a bit of protection.

March gardening jobs and catkins

Here’s hoping for a drier, brighter, warmer month ahead so we can do our March gardening jobs and enjoy some fresh air 😊

Lisas march gardening jobs




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Lisa Wildgoose in her garden at table

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I’d love to help make your garden a place to enjoy, without you doing the hard work.
Contact me for a free consultation.

Country Cottage Borders

Lisa Wildgoose


South Northamptonshire

Operating Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

​​Sat - Sun: Closed

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